Thursday, September 4, 2008

Helpful Hints for avoiding a speeding ticket, part 2.

Happy Speeder shares real-life experience with strategies to keep fast driving from costing you money. Click here to read comments on first 5 tips on the blog " shares..."

6. Watch for cutouts and modulate your speed accordingly- I can think of some stretches on familiar routes where the foliage is so thick, or the slope so steep, that I am sure there can be no trooper there with a radar gun. Not that I would speed anyway...

7. Don't speed when you are the only car on the road- Although true, this tip flies in the face of happyspeeder common sense and love of freedom. Shouldn't you feel more freedom speeding when you aren't risking the lives of others?

8. If it can be done legally, get a radar detector- I have never owned one, but I would love to know if there is a happyspeeder with a radar detector and a clean driving record out there.

9. If possible, drive a nondescript vehicle - A quick scan on the Internet reveals that most ham-n-egg opinionators poo-poo the theory that red cars are the most frequently ticketed, claiming instead that red cars receive tickets in direct proportion to the way their owner's drive them. Actually, there is some well executed scientific research indicating that viewing the color red causes specific psychological reactions in human beings. This link to the American Journal of Psychology goes to just one of several published studies on the subject. It is a well executed, double blind research study in which the scientists confirm their hypothesis that the color red in academic settings results in poor performance on tests. In addition to testing multiple sample studies in different countries with different controls, the researchers also used an EKG, and were able to measure the increase in right frontal-cortical (vs. left frontal for control colors) brain activity in response to the color red. Since red has such an effect on the human brain in academic settings, further research is needed before anyone can definitively rule out the theory that red cars receive more than their fair share of tickets.

10. Be aware that appearances count- Last but not least,if you do get pulled over BE NICE to the officer. They are much more likely to forgive an honest, law abiding, respectful citizen who "made a mistake"; than a rude,rebellious, smart-alec, putz who challenges their authority. Like the old saying goes; "you will catch more bees with honey than with vinegar!" - Can somebody tell me why anyone would be trying to catch bees in the first place?

Don't forget! You can actually insure savings by choosing to speed with fuel conservation in mind. If making money is more important to you than making time, read on at Happy

The above commentary is based on the original article published July 23, 2008, entitled: "10 ways to avoid a speeding ticket" © 2008 AOL, LLC. All Rights Reserved.By Eric Peters on

Happy Speeder does not condone, recommend, or support driving faster than the speed limit.

all rights reserved

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