Thursday, May 29, 2008

HappySpeeder TIP: SET YOUR CRUISE ON 60MPH. SEE WEBSITE ABOVE FOR MORE INFORMATION! CHECK IT OUT ! Acceleration burns fuel,Acceleration wastes gas, Speeding decreases gas efficiency, but it sure is fun....>

Who does not love the feeling of peeling off at the red light? Having a car with quick acceleration is like driving around in your own amusement park ride. Adrenaline RUSH!

Today, "green car" means more than that old gremlin or station wagon. People and technology are reacting to the reports that the pollution from our cars is contributing to changes in the climate. Driving with the environment or your pocketbook in mind means backing off on acceleration. Keep your foot off the pedal more and save a lot of money. Burning gas is wasting money - among other things.

ChoosingToCruise recommends making small changes now, before our government decides to take that option away from us. British parliment is already proposing a "carbon limit" on it's citizens. America is the land of the free! Let's use our freedom wisely and ChooseToCruise. Speed when you want to! Slow down and save a little when you want to!


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