Saturday, May 31, 2008

Former speedaholic enjoys slowing down to save gas

As a “recovered speedaholic”, I feel that I can speak with some authority on the subject of speed. At one time in my life I thought that “smart-drivers” could handle the curves at high speeds, and that driving slow was a public nuisance. To be honest, I thought that speed limits and stop signs were for idiots. No offense, but I was a frontal-lobe impaired teen without a clue, so please forgive my arrogance. When I look back, I realize what a miracle it was that I did not kill myself, or someone else. I would frequently cite my “clean” driving record as evidence that I was a good driver, never taking into account that I had only been driving a short while, or had just been lucky. God only knows, I might still be whizzing down the highway today, were it not for the cost of speeding. Like most addicts, I would have to encounter uncomfortable situations and significant consequences before I would recognize the error of my ways. My “intervention” began on a steamy Alabama highway, following a typical, late-afternoon rainstorm. While whipping along at a speed of at least 75 mph, I was trying to pull my hair into a scrunchie (the t-tops were out and flying hair can be a safety issue; of course, so can driving without your hands on the wheel, but that isn’t the point). My little two-seater hit a slick spot and began spinning, eventually skidding off the highway and landing in the median. I saw my life flash before my eyes and I was terrified. Of course, it would take three speeding tickets and being dropped from my insurance before I would admit to having a problem. Maybe the price of gas today is forcing speedaholics to examine their driving habits. Maybe there is a decline in aggressive driving because people are watching their gas tanks. Maybe we owe a big Thank You to the oil companies because the cost of gasoline motivates slower driving, and wrecks have been prevented! All I know is that I don’t like spending so much money to fill my tank. I like saving money more than I like going fast. I am a content commuter, a happy speeder, clipping along at 60 mph, saving 30%.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to try it...saving 30% sounds like something I'd like to do!

Anonymous said...

I'm right with you. I like saving money more than driving fast too! I will try sixty-mph and avoid sixty-dollars per tank!