Thursday, May 29, 2008


More free tips coming soon at:

I hate the price of gas - but I have to commute, I have to drive, and I have to buy gas.

Gas Prices escalate daily. It is painful to see the "E" on your dash. The price of gas is forcing Americans to change the way they drive. If I were to identify the number one change that I have made to my driving habits, it would be taking my foot off of the pedal sooner. I have been surprised at how far I can coast without accelerating, especially when I can see that I am about to stop at a traffic light or a traffic jam.

The morning commute is a good example. I know pretty much where the backups are; HWY 78 merging onto HWY 285, Hwy 85 merging with 285, HWY 285 merging with HWY 400N, etc. It is not hard to think ahead when the traffic starts to flow, remember that another back up is coming soon, and let up on the gas pedal a bit. You could floor it, get to your requisite 65 mph or more, and brake hard at the next jam. I usually watch others do this, and I will be a few cars behind them as I coast into the jam-line. They got there before me, so they could wait longer. Try it some morning. Just take a look around at the cars that are flying past you, then look for them again when you reach the next stop. Chances are, they will be a few cars ahead of you, with less gas in their tank.

This link is one of the many references you can find on the net.

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