Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Choose to use less fuel before the Law changes and you have No Choice!

March 26, 2008 -"The American Trucking Associations is calling for a nationwide, 65-mph speed limit.... A highway slowdown has begun in response to high energy prices—and the big trucking companies are leading the way. Con-Way Freight, one of the nation's largest trucking firms with 8,500 rigs, has announced it is turning back the electronic speed limiters in its entire fleet from 65 miles per hour to 62 mph." More info available in original article at U.S. News & World Report. Easing up on my lead foot, and setting the cruise control to 60 mph, are easy changes for me to make. Choosing to save fuel is my right, and I am proud to do it, because I believe that using less fuel is smart for the future of America. Luckily, I live in a democracy, so I don't have to worry about my government forcing me to change how I commute - right? The truth is, many laws are passed based on the votes of our elected officials, whose opinions may be influenced by powerful lobby groups. If an informed America votes to require everyone to drive slower, then so be it. I hope folks take advantage of the opportunities that their anscestors fought and died for; investigate the truth, stay involved and VOTE! In the immortal words of Lee Greenwood: "I'm Proud to be an American, were at least I know I'm free...." by Happy Speeder

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